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Effectiveness, Defined Broadly

New volume of research examines various aspects of higher education performance, going well beyond labor market outcomes to include academic quality and socioeconomic equity.

The Cost of Remediation

An inadequate high school education can get expensive for students when they need to take remedial courses in college, according to a new report.

Evidence of Remediation Success

Two studies show successful pass rates from Tennessee's first full semester of putting all developmental students in college-level courses.

Affirming the Student Success Underground

As institutions seek to advance their student success agendas, they should consider the insights of longtime -- yet often overlooked -- veterans in the field.

Creative Solutions in Florida

A two-year college in Florida makes dramatic gains in developmental education course pass rates, even amid a state-mandated change to remedial education and the addition of performance funding.

Competency for the Traditional-Age Student

Accreditor approves Purdue's new competency-based bachelor's degree, which blends technical disciplines with the humanities and has a customizable approach designed more for a career than a first job.

Graduation Gap Widens

Public colleges are increasing students' overall graduation rates, but a study finds the gap between black and white students continues to widen.

'Confidence Rating' for On-Time Graduation

U of California at San Diego's new early warning system aims to condense millions of data points into a simple metric showing whether students will graduate on time.