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When a C Isn’t Good Enough

Data show that students who earn C's in foundational courses are much less likely to graduate. As a result, U of Arizona may require some C students to repeat a course.

Smarter State Spending

State dollars for public higher education would go farther, prominent researchers argue, if more of it went to open-access colleges and need-based aid.

Holding Data Up as a Mirror

As we begin a new academic year, institutional leaders should engage their campus communities in honest, data-driven conversations about what to do better, argues Bonita J. Brown.

Coaches and Advisers

A company's success coaches, who work remotely, help Indiana's community colleges improve student retention.

Understudied Barriers to Transfer

These three barriers to transfer student completion deserve more attention, argue Davis Jenkins and John Fink.

Consolidating for Success

Will merger with Georgia State U, a completion rate success story, boost the rock-bottom graduation rates of two-year Georgia Perimeter College?

Decision Time

Study of tens of thousands of college students finds that those who were open to change their major were more likely to graduate than those who decided right away.

Digital, Verified and Less Open

More colleges are issuing digital badges to help their students display skills to employers or graduate programs, and colleges are tapping vendor platforms to create a verified form of the alternative credentials.