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University of Montana Missoula summer campus scene showing University Hall and a portrait of Leslie Webb, vice provost of student success

New on the Job: Q&A With Leslie Webb, University of Montana

Webb discusses her first year as vice provost for student success and campus life at the University of Montana at Missoula and her vision moving forward.

A man in a yellow-orange shirt holds up a blue button-down shirt while shopping in a clothing store.

Funding Student Success: Stipends for Professional Clothing

While career closets have gained popularity in recent years, Babson College’s new initiative provides a model for colleges without the space to house hundreds of garments to consider.

A male teacher leads four students, sitting in a circle and two of them at desks while two of them are sitting on top of desks.

A Blueprint for Improving Campus Dialogue and Belonging

Administrators focused on supporting meaningful engagement across lines of difference should consider 10 principles to bring about change, writes Caroline Mehl of the Constructive Dialogue Institute.

A screenshot of Georgia Tech's student success resources in the LMS

Embracing the LMS for Student Success

Many students are unaware of or do not utilize campus resources. Creating easy access to information in the learning management system can break down this barrier.

A mother in graduation regalia smiles at her son.

Listen: Supporting Adult Learners in Higher Education

Two higher education professionals share the challenges and opportunities in serving adult learners and how institutions can better help them persist and graduate.

Two university students working together in modern student center

What Helps Students Feel Like They Belong?

Research from the University of Illinois finds college students derive belongingness from four factors. Having the cultural capital to navigate higher education matters most to students from racial and ethnic minority groups.

Students inside a college descending stairs

Report: 4 Ways to Engage and Graduate Stopped-Out Students

California Competes’ latest research identifies barriers and strategies to help adult learners who dropped out of college re-enroll and earn a degree.

Five students pose next to the California State University Chico sign on a sunny day

Success Program Launch: Rural Ambassadors Shine a Light on Their Communities

A student ambassador program at California State University, Chico, provides rural students with peer support, advocacy and research opportunities.