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A Med School Admissions Dean's Ouster

Columbia students and alumni protest a resignation that they say was forced.

Building Community for Part-Time Students

Officials at Boston’s Bunker Hill Community College are finding that students are more likely to re-enroll in learning communities that offer mentors and additional advising.

Tens of Thousands of Adults Line Up for Free College in Tennessee

Tennessee's tuition-free community college program is proving popular with adults.

Who Owns Faculty Work at Purdue Global?

AAUP releases a nondisclosure agreement professors must sign that appears to bar them from sharing much of anything or criticizing the program after they leave.

Professors Join a Critical Chorus at Bethune-Cookman

Worries rise about the university's financial situation and accreditation -- plus recent events in which professors say the faculty was "blatantly disregarded" and "the Faculty Senate mocked."

This Town's Not Big Enough for the Both of Us

Texas A&M and Texas Tech are both vying to open new veterinary-medicine programs in the same northwest Texas town -- and neither is happy about the other's plans.

Cuts to Liberal Arts at Goucher

College says it's eliminating programs such as math, physics and religion, in attempt to keep costs down.

Antidote to Med Student Debt

Thanks to fund-raising prowess, NYU takes an ax to medical school tuition where others have used a scalpel. But medical school costs are clearly under the microscope.