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Missed Deadline Stalls DeVos Agenda

Education Department says it won't meet November deadline to overhaul borrower-defense and gainful-employment rules, raising the stakes for legal challenges to the Obama-era regulations.

New International Graduate Enrollments Fall Again

Report says international graduate enrollments were down for the second straight year last year, after a period of significant growth. Experts said it's hard to ignore the Trump factor.

Tackling Poverty to Increase Graduations

A growing number of colleges are trying to help poor students meet their basic needs and remove barriers that keep them from graduating.

Peralta Community Colleges Faculty Warn of Misspending as Bond Measure Looms

Peralta Community Colleges find themselves in a catch-22 as they allege financial mismanagement by administrators and campaign for more public funding for the system.

2-Year Colleges Increasingly Enhancing First-Year Experience

New report highlights the different methods and ways community colleges offer first-year experience programs to students.

Free-College Realities

Proposals for tuition-free college programs shift to meet the needs of the state while also exhibiting qualities of more successful existing initiatives.

Multiple Measurements to Predict Success

Going beyond placement exams allows more community college students to take and pass gateway math and English courses, but some worry about students who need remediation.

Summer Gains in Alamo

A Texas community college system has had some success offering free summer courses to encourage students to pursue full-time status, but questions remain about why more students aren't taking up the offer.