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Illinois Looks to Chicago for Research Site

An ambitious research effort spanning much of Illinois has its eyes set on Chicago as a new "hub" that could bring together the state's largest public and private universities.

Few Gains for Students in Tenn. Remedial Education Program

A new study shows few student achievements from an innovative initiative in Tennessee that moved college math remediation back to high school.

Maybe Not a Role Model for a B-School?

Amid criticism of invitation to Sam Zell, widely criticized for his leadership in publishing and his sexist statements about women, UCLA calls off his appearance.

Coaxing Dropouts to Return and Earn Degrees

Colleges are hoping a new initiative will help them encourage former students who stopped out to return and complete their degrees.

For-Profits Stay on Campaign Sidelines

Sector's spending on political campaigns has fallen off sharply during the 2018 midterm campaign cycle.

New York City Sues For-Profit College

City's consumer affairs agency's unusual lawsuit accuses Berkeley College of improper recruiting and lending practices.

The Practical Humanities

They prepare students for the challenges they will confront in their professional, political, social and cultural lives, argues Elizabeth H. Bradley.

Saving the Humanities and Ben Franklin’s Ass

Assertions about the value of the humanities should not be predominantly defensive responses to those who mistakenly deride the economic outcomes of such an education, warns Robert Newman.