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Help for Community College Students

The federal government will have to step up to help community colleges offer comprehensive student support programs, experts say -- and the Community College Student Success Act provides a way for Congress to do so.

A Welcome Wagon in Uncertain Times

When Kingsborough Community College president Claudia Schrader couldn’t greet incoming students on campus, she went to visit them at home. She hopes to turn the “welcome wagon” into a Kingsborough tradition.

Pell for (Very) Short-Term Credentials

A community college system leader and a higher education policy expert discuss the pros and cons of expanding the main federal financial aid program to include eight-week vocational programs.

‘Terrible, Old News’

More than half of CUNY community college students drop out within three years without a degree and struggle with hefty nontuition costs, a new report found. These are long-standing problems system leaders have tried combat.

Are Algorithms the Answer?

An experiment suggests colleges can help students bypass remedial courses for college-level classes by using algorithms instead of placement tests to predict academic outcomes.

A Proven Strategy

Virtual advising is disrupting the pandemic’s devastating toll on lower-income high school seniors, increasing the access they need now more than ever, write Angel B. Pérez and Nick Watson.

Remote and Rural

The Maine Community College System will train hundreds of rural students in remote work skills as the pandemic continues to shift the American job landscape.

A Jump for Summer?

Some two-year colleges are reporting that summer enrollment is up at their institutions.