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A Leg Up for Diverse Adult Learners

A new initiative will focus on developing adult-friendly pathways at predominantly and historically Black community colleges to increase their completion rates.

What Will the Humanities Look Like in a Decade?

To manifest their relevance and preserve their viability, they need to contribute to multidisciplinary initiatives focused on the numerous crises in humanity, not humanities, argues Robert D. Newman.

A Triple Crisis

Some California community colleges, already struggling with enrollment declines and the fallout from the pandemic, now face new challenges caused by the wildfires.

Pulling Out All the Stops

Community colleges are employing various strategies to attract students this fall and recover from enrollment losses related to the pandemic.

The Intergenerational University

Institutions should work to surface long-term solutions to the vexing global challenges future generations will inherit, with a focus on generating wisdom, not just knowledge, writes Annelise Riles.

Earning a Living and College Credit at the Same Time

IBM software engineering apprentices can now translate their training into three semesters of college credit at participating institutions.

Heated Debate Over a New College District

Gillette College will break away from the Northern Wyoming Community College District and become a separate district after a fraught special election that divided Campbell County residents.

Colleges and Universities Need More Rappers

If more students were exposed to the critical practices they utilize, they’d be better equipped to engage in pressing conversations about race, identity, culture, class and the like, writes A. D. Carson.