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Failing Students for the Future

Many students, regardless of political ideology, aren’t learning about the state of human progress or developing the type of mind-set needed to continue it, write Clay Routledge and John Bitzan.

Attacks on Critical Race Theory Threaten Democracy

Grounding in an accurate and complete American history -- of which race is a central component -- is the basis for a common understanding on which a democracy is built, Harvey J. Graff argues.

Nebraska’s Critical Race Theory Debate

State’s governor says university regents should oppose discussions of structural racism and suggests censure by professors’ group is an “honor.”

A Recommendation to ‘Reset,’ Not ‘Fix,’ Broken Transfer System

Going “beyond transfer,” national panel argues that achieving equity in higher education requires recognizing and crediting “all relevant learning” from wider variety of sources.

Bringing Back Low-Income Students

College of Marin leaders hope to use $2,000 grants to persuade more than 400 students who left during the pandemic to return and to entice others to enroll this fall.

‘A Victory for Ethnic Studies’

The California Community Colleges system will require students to take an ethnic studies course. The new policy follows legislation that established a similar requirement at the California State University system last year.

Advising the Biden Administration

Eloy Ortiz Oakley, chancellor of the California Community Colleges system, will temporarily serve as a special adviser in the U.S. Department of Education. The move was applauded by higher education leaders.

A Year of Probation

Campus leaders at Florida Memorial University hope to improve finances and increase enrollment after accreditors put the institution on probation.