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Knee-Jerk Reforms on Remediation

The conclusion that remedial education has failed is based on flawed interpretations of data and unsupported assertions, write Hunter R. Boylan and Alexandros Goudas.

Not Just Degrees

Certificates are the fastest-growing college credential, with a big wage payoff. But earnings mostly go to men, and the certificate remains largely misunderstood in "completion agenda."

Texas Shake-Up

Founder of UT-Austin's community college leadership program, the field's big fish, is moving to a for-profit, fueling worries about the future of the program's affiliates, NISOD and CCCSE.

Back of the Line

Some California community colleges have 1,700 students per academic adviser. But a state law designed to protect faculty jobs may help prevent the hiring of more counselors.

Facing Facts

Community college leaders say "completion agenda" has been good for the sector, even when painful, but they worry that the focus could have unintended consequences if it becomes a fixation.

Common Sense on Completion

Statewide reverse transfer agreements, in which four-year colleges grant associate degrees to students who transfer from community colleges, are spreading. The process isn't easy, but could help students and graduation rates.

Santa Monica Part II?

California lawmaker wants to make two-tiered pricing at community colleges legal, partially to prevent minority students from attending for-profits. But critics say the bill opens door to privatization.

Pass and Go

Amid a financial crisis, California's community college system proposes an end to students repeating courses they've already passed, particularly physical education and arts courses.