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Colleges Want No Repeat of the Last Recession's Cuts

Colleges are urging Congress in the next stimulus package to push states to avoid cuts.

Colleges Scramble to Administer Emergency Aid

The coronavirus pandemic has left thousands of students in need of financial assistance. The race to meet that need has been slowed by red tape and insufficient funding.

Windfall for Small Colleges

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is coming under fire for spreading millions in stimulus aid to institutions with barely any students, while other colleges struggle.

Work-Study Pay Loss

Students at some institutions have lost much-needed income from work-study jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Public Higher Ed Funding Still Has Not Recovered From 2008 Recession

Latest state higher education finance report provides a 2019 baseline as higher education braces for a recession.

Does the Stimulus Package Really Exclude DACA Students?

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos says she had no choice but to exclude DACA students from the stimulus package's emergency aid. But Democrats in Congress argue that's untrue.

Coronavirus News Roundup for May 4

Everything you need to know for Monday and the week ahead about higher ed and the coronavirus in one easy-to-read package (with some distractions to help your sanity). Plus, a special Q&A with a student about what life is like in the COVID-19 pandemic.

DeVos Criticized on Emergency Grants

Education Department has been criticized for excluding DACA students from stimulus emergency grants. But financial aid administrators say even more students are left out.