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Key U.S. Senator Upbeat About Campus Reopenings

Lamar Alexander expresses confidence that testing will be sufficient, says college leaders are embracing tactics to help them open safely -- and says they deserve liability protection.

The System’s Role in Saving Weakened Public Colleges

COVID-19 has exacerbated the pressures on state institutions. James Page offers four ways university systems can sustain vulnerable institutions.

State Cuts Grow Deep

Experts had predicted states would have to cut higher education funding. The scope is becoming clearer every day.

House Dems Want Billions for States, Colleges

House Democrats unveil a $3 trillion proposal, including tens of billions for colleges. But Senate Republicans say, "It's not going anywhere."

Report: Living Expenses, Not Tuition, Are the Problem

New report finds that financial aid mostly has kept up with rising tuition prices. But living expenses are another story.

Location-Based Protection

The Department of Education's new regulation says colleges aren't responsible for sexual assault or harassment that takes place in study abroad programs or in private, off-campus settings.

Emergency Grants: Congress Must Step In

Even after all of the funds are disbursed, the program will be overshadowed by implementation challenges caused by the U.S. Department of Education, argues Justin Draeger.

Reimagining Career Education

The Education Department plans to distribute more than $120 million in grants for short-term programs. Which pathways should that money fund?