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Student SNAP Waivers Denied

Federal food assistance requires too much of college students, advocates say. States requested waivers for these requirements during the pandemic -- and were denied.

The Recession and For-Profit College Recruiting

The last recession brought overaggressive recruitment of students by bad actors among for-profit colleges, and some worry about a repeat in this economic downturn.

Report Finds Growth in Undocumented Student Population

More than 450,000 undocumented immigrant students are enrolled in higher education, according to a new estimate.

States Must Reform How They Fund Colleges

Any short-term fixes to address the current crisis must not obscure the continuing need for longer-term changes in how states finance public higher education, argues Arthur M. Hauptman.

The Higher Education Act and the Pandemic

Top Republican Senate aide says lawmakers were close to a deal to update the nation's main higher education law. Then the pandemic put everything on hold.

Still in Limbo?

The coronavirus response bill gives colleges the latitude to decide which students receive aid. So are DACA recipients eligible?

The Next Financial Blow

Already reeling from the pandemic and recession, public colleges face severe state budget cuts in coming weeks.

Governors Call for $500 Billion in Federal Aid

The governors of Maryland and New York on Saturday made a bipartisan request for $500 billion from the federal government...