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Shopping Around

Some colleges are resisting the Education Department's new "Shopping Sheet." That's a mistake, writes Rachel Fishman, because it helps students and parents compare true costs of college.

DREAMers Deferred

The Obama administration's policy to allow work permits for some students whose parents came to the U.S. illegally may have little direct impact on higher education, but colleges are helping students pursue the new status.

What’s a Board to Do?

In second half of retreat, U.Va. board focuses on how to restructure and divide responsibility between board and president, with lessons that might be applicable to other boards.

Milton Friedman -- Student Aid Progressive?

The late economist is far more heralded by conservatives than liberals, but he advocated an income-based approach to student aid far more radical than the Obama administration's, writes Alex Holt.

Georgia State and Textbook Prices

Analysts of the court's ruling have focused on its implications for fair use, but the outcome could help some publishers and bring down costs for students, writes Caroline Vanderlip.

Memo to the Candidates

William G. Tierney and Michael A. Olivas outline the topics on which they would like some detail from Obama and Romney.

Ryan's Higher Ed Record

Romney's running mate is architect of a budget plan that would impose deep cuts on research and financial aid.

Good Fees Make Good Neighbors

Wofford lets nearby medical school pay for students to use campus facilities, highlighting potential revenue stream for liberal arts colleges that don't want to change their missions.