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Call for Doubling Pell, Forgiving Debt

John King Jr., a former education secretary, calls for debt forgiveness and doubling Pell Grants during hearing on Capitol Hill, as lawmakers worry pandemic will worsen educational disparities.

Whom to Test and How to Pay for It

States stop short of advising colleges to test all students when campuses reopen, despite concerns that approach will lead to missing those who could spread the virus to others.

DACA Lives for Now

Supreme Court rules that the Trump administration's decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was "arbitrary and capricious."

Months Later, Stimulus Grants Come for College Students in Fits and Starts

The U.S. Department of Education encouraged colleges to release emergency aid to students quickly after a federal stimulus package passed in late March. But confusion over student eligibility requirements and logistical oversights have stalled the process in many cases.

DACA Lives

Supreme Court rules that the Trump administration's decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was "arbitrary and capricious."

Service in Exchange for Tuition

By having people of all backgrounds, ethnicities and geographical regions work together, a federal loan-for-service program might help heal our deep national divide, argues Roger Hull.

College Programs in Prisons Go Remote

With limited technology in their facilities, most college-in-prison programs moved to paper correspondence amid the pandemic. Others were suspended altogether.

‘Far-Reaching Consequences’

U.S. Supreme Court's landmark ruling extending protections against employment discrimination to LGBTQ people has implications for how colleges define sex and enforce gender equality on campus.