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Turning Point for Student Loans

A new report shows student loans outpacing other household debt among most severely delinquent loans.

Bipartisan Push for Student Loan Transparency

Democrat Donna Shalala partners with Republican Matt Gaetz to require more disclosures to student borrowers in new House legislation.

Could For-Profit Question Impede Short-Term Pell?

For-profit colleges were shut out of proposed legislation to expand Pell Grants to short-term programs. They’ve offered little pushback so far, though -- a sign the sector is focused on other legislative concerns.

Dump the Discount Rate

It is a flawed statistic for tracking college finances, argues Phillip Levine.

When Free Isn't Really Free

Programs that funnel aid exclusively to publicly funded colleges and universities limit students' choices and deter them from private colleges, which may be the best option for some of them, Claude Pressnell Jr. writes.

No, Half of Young Americans Don't Believe College Is Unnecessary

Headlines about a recent survey of millennials about college and student debt suggest many rethink getting a degree. We explore the actual numbers.

Rising GOP Senator Takes Aim at Higher Ed and ‘Elites’

Josh Hawley, a freshman senator from Missouri and rising GOP star, has targeted the "higher ed monopoly" in new legislative proposals. But some observers don't see much impact beyond rhetoric.

Warren Draws Contrast on Debt Relief Plans

Democratic presidential contender Elizabeth Warren unveils details of a debt cancellation bill, making the case for a more targeted approach than legislation offered by rival Bernie Sanders.