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State Funding for Students' Basic Needs

Several states have begun to fund efforts to help students with their basic needs amid growing concern about homelessness and hunger on campus.

Seeking Answers on Loan Relief Claims

With borrowers who attended for-profits having waited years on loan relief applications, lawyers this week sued the Education Department to take action on more than 150,000 claims.

Free Tuition -- After a Drug Test

West Virginia joins other states in offering free tuition at community colleges. But the new law is unique in asking all students seeking eligibility to pass a drug test.

Expanding Beyond NYC’s 5 Boroughs

Armed with promising results, CUNY is expanding ASAP and other student success experiments while helping to export them to colleges outside the system.

Sanders vs. Warren on College Debt Relief

Critics of both plans say Sanders's proposal for universal debt relief amplifies existing issues with Warren's plan, which includes caps on income for beneficiaries.

Democratic Hopefuls Back Pell Grants in Prisons

Most candidates seeking Democratic nomination support repealing ban on federal aid for incarcerated students. One of the few exceptions? Joe Biden, author of the crime law that enacted the ban.

Colleges Should Cosign Student Loans

Risk sharing is coming, argues Carlo Salerno, and Congress can improve accountability by obligating colleges to help repay the debt they ask students to take on.

Federal Experiment Won't Fix Work-Study

An experiment proposed by Betsy DeVos won't fix the inequity of the federal work-study program's funding formula, writes Sarah Pingel.