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The Right FAFSA Reform

Shift from focusing on the number of questions to the number of times a student must fill out the form, writes Ben Miller.

Scholarships for Sex

Financial aid director at North Idaho College arrested for using Craigslist to solicit students.

A Plan for Deregulating Higher Ed

A Senate-sponsored task force releases blueprint for Congress to scale back federal requirements that higher education leaders have long said are overly burdensome.

Finding the Right Formula

Gates-funded report seeks to define and classify types of performance-based funding in 35 states, drawing tentative praise from researchers who have criticized the policies.

In FAFSA Simplification, Complexity

How many questions are really needed? And how many just confuse?

Income-Based Repayment Costs Rising

Budget documents show Obama's planned expansion of his Pay As You Earn plan will add $9 billion to already-rising long-term cost of federal student loans.

Warrior and Scholar

Two-week boot camp to help veterans make the transition to college is spreading at selective institutions.

Counting Students Equally?

The Education Department's ratings framework embraces the concept of adjusting outcomes for student demographics -- an approach that would be unusual for the federal government but that isn't without its critics.