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Debt-Free Catches On

Democratic presidential contenders, apparently including Hillary Clinton, are moving to the idea that borrowing shouldn't be needed in public higher education. Is that the right approach?

U.S. Eyes New Path to Debt Relief

A guide to the Education Department and Corinthian borrowers.

Debt Relief Battle Continues

As Corinthian files for bankruptcy, Education Department officials race to head off the political firestorm over debt forgiveness sparked by unprecedented collapse of the for-profit college.

Income-Based Repayment Expansion Advances

Carrying out Obama directive to boost income-based repayment, Education Department panel endorses plan that will be available to all direct loan borrowers, regardless of when they incurred the debt.

Grants for Today's Student

A new report contends that state aid programs should better meet the needs of modern students in today's college landscape, which is vastly different from when most such programs were developed.

Debt Collector Suit Fails

Judge dismisses lawsuit stemming from U.S. Department of Education's firing of several debt collectors over allegations they misled struggling borrowers.

Plausible Promises?

"Promise program" scholarships are appealing to cities and counties looking to boost their local educational achievement. But it's too early to say for sure that the programs work.

Relief for Community Colleges

The Obama administration is eyeing a plan that would make it easier for community colleges to appeal high loan default rates because relatively few of their students take out loans.