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U.S. Names Remaining Colleges Under Scrutiny

The remaining colleges -- most of which have been singled out for scrutiny over "severe" audit findings -- are mostly for-profit colleges and beauty schools.

The Burgeoning Student Loan Strike

The number of students refusing to repay the loans they took out to attend a for-profit college swells to 100 -- and meeting with U.S. officials gives them a boost.

Cash Monitoring List Unveiled

Education Department releases most of the names of colleges that have had access to federal student aid curtailed over concerns about financial viability, administrative capacity or other issues.

U.S. to Identify Colleges Under Scrutiny

The Education Department plans to release list of colleges whose federal aid is restricted because of concerns they pose risks to students and taxpayers. In recent years most on list have been for-profit colleges.

Protecting Students or Leaving Them Vulnerable?

Mid-Continent University's closure last year left a messy situation for students -- and it was precipitated by financial sanctions the U.S. Department of Education uses to rein in colleges.

GOP Would Freeze Pell

In attempt to balance the federal budget, House Republicans are again proposing that the maximum grant award remain at its current level for a decade.

'Bill of Rights' for Student Borrowers

President Obama announced a series of executive actions aimed at improving and centralizing the customer service experience of borrowers with federal student loans.

Corinthian ‘Debt Strike’

Student activists refuse to pay federal loans incurred at the embattled for-profit education company and call on the Department of Education for greater borrower relief.