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No Love, But No Alternative

Critics blame accreditation for many of the (often conflicting) problems they see in higher education. But the agencies will likely endure, in large part because any replacement would give the feds much more power.

Trouble for an Accreditor

California community college system panel recommends the state's two-year colleges find a new accreditor, capping years of tension with its regional commission.

Establishment Goes Alternative

Seven major universities plan to create the University Learning Store, a joint web portal for microcredentials, featuring online content, assessments and tutoring.

Caution and Competency

Senators seek guidance on how to encourage innovation without opening aid floodgates to "bad actors," and a group of 17 institutions with competency-based programs calls for a careful approach by policy makers.

Experimenting With Aid

Education Department moves closer to experimenting with federal aid and accreditation for alternative providers like boot camps and MOOCs, while White House books meeting on expanding space.

Fake Cherokee?

In wake of Rachel Dolezal scandal, a prominent professor in Native American studies who regularly says she is Native American is accused of misrepresenting her background.

Watered-Down Gen Ed for Engineers?

Critics say proposed changes to accreditation standards for general education dilute the competencies that give U.S.-trained students a competitive edge. Accreditor, meanwhile, says new standards will lead to easier assessment of outcomes and more innovation in teaching.

Nursing a Grudge

Professional association's effort to maintain control over an accreditor of nursing programs threatens the agency's future, and the fate of thousands of students.