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College Credit for a Boot Camp

Lynn University will issue a semester's worth of college credits for Lynn students who complete a 16-week program at General Assembly, a nonaccredited skills boot camp. Will other colleges follow?

Caution on Competency

Education Department's Office of Inspector General criticizes a regional accreditor over its review of competency-based education programs, citing faculty role.

More Degree Stacking

Number of undergraduates earning a first college credential falls as economy rebounds, according to new National Student Clearinghouse Research Center report.

A Tougher Test for Colleges

Repayment rates may replace default rates as key measure of quality. That's bad news for many for-profit and historically black colleges, and some community colleges, too.

When Regulation Pays

Coding academies and boot camps are growing fast. State agencies started paying attention to short-term training programs last year, in a move that may have helped the industry.

Would-Be Disruptor Shifts Gears

A plan to create an accreditor for online programs adopts a new model: free MOOCs to help students earn placement credit.

Keeping Up With Competency

With 600 institutions at least in the design phase for a competency-based credential, college officials will meet this month to talk about how to build a program -- and how to ensure its academic quality.

Republican Roundup

Jeb Bush and other candidates for the Republican presidential nomination begin to follow Senator Marco Rubio down the wonkier corridors of higher education policy.