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Defining Competency

Education Department and regional accreditors seek common ground on competency-based education, including what the faculty role should be in the emerging form of higher education.

Lingua Franca for Credentials

Lumina Foundation creates a group to develop a framework and common language for the growing number of credentials, which range from degrees to alternative forms like badges and industry certifications.

Pipeline for Hispanic Doctors

The country's only LCME accredited for-profit medical school is working to increase the number of bilingual and multicultural physicians in the U.S.

CAEPed Crusader Ousted

Without explanation, accreditor of teacher training programs forces out its founding leader amid criticism from colleges and unions.

Problems Deepen for ITT

SEC charges ITT and top two executives with fraud, alleging they misled investors about huge losses in lending programs. Embattled company asks regulators not to run with fraud allegations until the court rules on them.

Flexibility or an End Run?

U of Maine System wants to end campus-by-campus accreditation. Would local needs and faculty voice be lost?

Change, but How Substantive?

Arizona State U's accreditor has yet to review the institution's "MOOCs for credit" initiative. Experts are unsure what such a review might bring.

Accreditation Under Fire

As proposals fly to "fix" higher education's system of quality control, Bernard Fryshman explains its virtues and urges caution in abandoning it.