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Taxing International Student Tuition

In Washington state, legislators propose a 20 percent surcharge on international student tuition. The universities worry that students will stop coming.

Negligible International Growth

Report finds only marginal increase in applications from outside the U.S. to graduate schools. China -- source of large increases in recent years -- shows decline.

Strangers in a Strange Land

U.S. universities are recruiting increasing numbers of students from abroad, but many worry about the students' disconnection from campus life.

Connection in China -- II

Rick Ostrander travels to Hangzhou and considers how he can attract students to a Christian liberal arts institution in Michigan that doesn't judge its value by U.S. News rankings.

The Internationalization Agenda

At gathering of senior international officers, participants discuss the dynamic state of the field.

Not What They Signed Up For?

An unaccredited California institution lacks approval by the state to operate, but is allowed to enroll international students -- some of whom say the education is seriously substandard.

Conditionally Yours

Eager to increase their international enrollments, colleges create more conditional admission and pathway options for students lacking in English language proficiency. The challenge: uphold minimum standards while expanding access.

'An Unthinkable Luxury'

A campaign to fund scholarships and fellowships for Syrian students and professors is well under way. The first grantees reflect on the situation they left behind and their hopes to help Syria rebuild.