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Looking Past China

At gathering of international educators, panelists discuss emerging destinations for international student recruitment.

Strategies for Saudi Student Success

International educators discuss specific challenges facing the growing numbers of Saudi students in the U.S.

New Visa Protocols Cause Delays

Students and exchange scholars are being referred to secondary inspection under policies put in place after the Boston Marathon bombings. Reported delays range from 20 minutes to three hours.

'Advantage' for Chinese Applicants?

Wake Forest will be working with Chinese high schools to prepare students for U.S.-style curriculum and will send their video portfolios directly to the colleges they apply to. Is this a money-maker or a much-needed service (or both)?

From Grants to Loans

Australian government announces plan to turn "start up" grants for textbooks and other costs into loans, which critics deride as a slippery slope that will hurt needy students.

Foreign Student Safety in Spotlight

Kerry says Japanese students are deterred by fears of gun violence. Chinese and Saudi Arabian students are among victims of Boston bombings. Does growth in international student population come despite concerns on safety?

Taxing International Student Tuition

In Washington state, legislators propose a 20 percent surcharge on international student tuition. The universities worry that students will stop coming.

Negligible International Growth

Report finds only marginal increase in applications from outside the U.S. to graduate schools. China -- source of large increases in recent years -- shows decline.