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A New (Kind of) Scholarly Press

Amherst College starts publishing unit that will feature peer review and close editing -- while also making all books digital and free.

Who Deserves Affordable Care?

With more institutions cutting adjunct hours as new health care requirements approach, higher education officials are pushing for more guidance from the government on what to do.

More Cracks in the Credit Hour

The Carnegie Foundation, which created the credit hour, considers a redesign so the standard could better fit with emerging approaches to higher education.

Fascinating Fascism

Analogies to Nazi Germany come cheap -- but not insights into a movement that's still waiting for its chance. Scott McLemee looks at Fascism, a new journal.

Academic Superpowers

Study says university political science departments hire largely those with Ph.D.s from a small group of institutions. Is that inevitable -- or are great candidates from less prestigious programs overlooked?

Scrambling to Understand Veterans

Colleges aren't doing a good job of tracking how current and former military service members are faring on their campuses, a new survey finds, but that may be changing.

Grades and Assessing Learning: Can't We Get Along?

Given how busy professors are, it makes sense to link outcomes assessment to grading, rather than create redundancy by piling the latter on top of the former, Mark Salisbury writes.

'Becoming Right'

New research suggests that campus environment greatly impacts conservative students' political styles, and that they can thrive on predominantly liberal campuses.