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The Gender/Resource Gap

Why do women publish less in science, on average, than do men? A new study suggests that it may have to do with what universities provide in financial support.

Too Many Vet Schools?

A debate about the future of veterinary medicine erupts at meeting of federal accreditation advisory committee.

Rejecting Tenure and Paying for It?

In an unusual twist, a Texas Tech professor is suing the university for allegedly denying him high-profile jobs based on his skepticism of a status most faculty members want.

Headline-Driven Accreditation

With actions involving U.Va., North Carolina and Florida A&M, among others, Southern agency responds to spate of high-profile controversies and calamities.

Pushing Back on 'Granularity'

A major regional accreditor raises questions about whether the Education Department's methods of evaluating such agencies are truly helpful.

Interpreting Turmoil

A prominent social theorist gathers his thoughts on the past few years of upheaval. Scott McLemee risks an opinion.

What Humanities Job Crisis?

The data suggest that things are improving, and that the worst shifts reflect larger societal changes, not academe, writes Chase F. Robinson.

Should Faculty Be Fingerprinted?

Proposed policy at Florida Gulf Coast U. raises question of what a university is entitled to track about every professor.