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A poem by Laurence Musgrove considers the state of student writing.

Settlement in Counseling Conflict

Eastern Michigan settles former graduate student's lawsuit challenging curricular requirements that conflicted with her religious beliefs.

Out on a Limb

Saint Louis University president who pushed controversial reforms has lost the support of faculty, but still has his board’s support. How does that get resolved?

Living Cheap Enough?

With student debt surpassing $1 trillion, graduate school deans discuss the implications for graduate school admissions and retention and the importance of financial literacy.

Bieberians at the Gate?

Could philosophy (or other disciplines) be improved by letting those outside the discipline play a role in judging its work? Robert Frodeman, J. Britt Holbrook and Adam Briggle consider the possibilities.

Digital Badging for Veterans

New website creates digital badges for veterans, aiming to recognize military skills and training. Will it be the first badging experiment to catch on?

Fixing Humanities Grad Programs

Michael Bérubé tells graduate school deans that the issues are complicated and interconnected.

From Boardroom to Classroom

In the age of the MOOC and recorded lectures, some colleges are turning back to videoconferencing as a tool for distance education.