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First Amendment Rights

U. of Rhode Island president, criticized for his first statement about a professor's controversial tweet about an NRA leader, issues another statement.

Placement Tests Still Rule

Research backs reformers' criticism of remedial placement exams, but colleges rely heavily on them, a new study finds.

English Down, Languages Up

Data released ahead of MLA convention set tone for hiring in the humanities this season.

Defining Learning Expectations

Historians and other academics are, contrary to what you may hear from critics of academe, working to define specific student outcomes and to promote accountability, writes Anne Hyde.

Promise and Pitfalls in Online Ed

A stalwart of humanities and an online learning pioneer -- Catharine Stimpson and Ann Kirschner -- debate the pros and cons of technology-enabled higher education.

Who's Overreacting?

Professor's anti-NRA tweet sets off debate about the gun lobby, violence, metaphors and academic freedom.

Posthumous Publishing

A University of North Florida chemist honors the influence of his Ph.D. adviser, who died 17 years ago, by listing him as a co-author on a recent paper.

Hyperspace is the Place

It's the music that makes the universe dance: Scott McLemee reads The Best Writing in Mathematics 2012.