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Strategic Job-Hunting

At MLA meeting, amid the frenzy and disappointment about lack of positions, some new Ph.D.s discuss paths to good careers (even if not those they once envisioned). Are grad programs providing any help?

The Shrinking Humanities

To understand and to defend this crucial part of the scholarly world, academics need to remember its history, writes W. Robert Connor.

Historic Relevance

Department heads discuss hardships facing the discipline and the way ahead during the American Historical Association's annual meeting.

The Marriage Factor

Female historians who are married move to full professor at a slower pace than their single colleagues, new study finds. For male historians, a spouse appears to speed up promotion.

'Unlearning Liberty'

In his new book, Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, chronicles what he sees as the rise of campus censorship and stifling of free speech.

The Social Edition

A group of digital humanists foresees a new phase of scholarly e-publishing. Scott McLemee gets a peek into their crystal ball.

Tests With and Without Motivation

Study raises questions about reliability of popular assessment tools used to measure learning that takes place in college. And research finds that students might not be as "academically adrift" as much-discussed book suggested.

The Mixed History Job Market

Openings are up 18 percent, but other data suggest that finding tenure-track positions will remain challenging. And while applications to grad programs are falling, enrollments are not.