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Me Studies

A faculty member drafts a fake job ad to consider what's wrong with higher ed today.

Concerns on Loan Denials

Historically black colleges urge Education Department to reconsider changes to some student loan criteria, and for-profit colleges and student advocates gear up for rewrite of "gainful employment" regulation.

Back to Methuselah

The original search for the fountain of youth didn't pan out -- but a new one is under way. Scott McLemee considers "The Longevity Seekers."

Bucking the Trend

While other colleges have cut adjuncts' hours to avoid insurance mandates ahead of the Affordable Care Act taking effect, College of DuPage is offering some adjuncts coverage under a new "lecturer" designation.

Where Philosophy Meets Theology

The influx of money for philosophy research from the religiously inclined Templeton Foundation has raised some eyebrows in the discipline.

Pretext for Firing a Dissenter

Australian court threatens $2 million fine for university after concluding that it used finances as excuse to dismiss a professor for complaining about bullying tactics by her supervisor.

The Digital Sociology Classroom

Departments are offering online courses and making use of new tools for teaching, survey finds.

Missing the (Grade) Point

Study challenges assumption that professors have become more lenient in evaluating students, or that their grades have less "signaling" power. Another researcher challenges paper as inaccurate.