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Is Teaching 'Junk Science' Protected by Academic Freedom?

Marjorie Heins considers the controversy over a course offered at Ball State University, and argues that this is about more than any absolute right.

Charisma Doesn't Count

Study finds that students learn little more from great lectures than bad ones.

Quest for 'Genius Babies'?

Jason Richwine quit Heritage Foundation amid controversy over his Harvard dissertation on race and IQ. Critics are now raising questions about work by a Michigan State physicist and vice president.

Skewing Dude-ward?

Despite two generations of work by feminist literary critics, a study indicates that new books by men get disproportionate attention from reviewers. Scott McLemee reports from the literary battlefront.

The Fine Print

The details behind Georgia Tech's new deal with Udacity: big dollars and new types of instructional aides -- including some who work for the outside company.

Education in the Liberal Arts

New education major at Colorado College, a thriving liberal arts college, challenges whether sector should still be defined by traditional disciplines.

Doctoring the Doctorate

Stanford pledges to pay for a master's in education for humanities Ph.D.s who want to become high school teachers.

Where the Citations Are

Which countries are most efficient in promoting research? New study suggests that Denmark, Switzerland, France and Ireland are more effective than Britain and the U.S.