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Holding Colleges Responsible

Student activists have shined a national spotlight on sexual assault on campuses, but others are encouraging colleges to fight back against federal rules they say are overreaching.

Unprofessional Tenure Denial?

American U. says it has track for those with non-academic careers who want to join the faculty. A suit charges that the university only values traditional academic credentials.

Wiggle Room for Political Science?

NSF issues guidance on how it will carry out Congressional orders to restrict funding of the discipline, and the agency leaves the door open to new grants.

Scholars as 'Foreign Agents'

New Russian law requiring NGOs to register as "foreign agents" if they receive funding from foreign sources and are engaged in "political activity" threatens closure of an independent polling agency and raises concerns about climate for scholarly collaborations.

Accreditation Fast Track?

Proposal circulating on Capitol Hill asks accreditors to create a way for new providers to gain approval more quickly.

Plagiarizing Across Europe

Many students in many countries don't know what the rules are, study finds.

Textbook Transparency and Pricing

Publishers, bookstores and professors are complying with federal provisions to make textbook pricing more transparent for students. But prices are still high.

The Mom Penalty

A decadelong research initiative out of the University of California at Berkeley culminates in a detailed look at the effects of children on men's and women's academic careers.