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Do You Smoke? Pay $75 a Month

Penn State angered faculty when it mandated biometric tests for those on health insurance. Now it's charging extra to those who use tobacco. Faculty members -- including those who don't smoke -- are furious.

The Right to Speak Out

U. of California board -- responding to 2006 Supreme Court ruling -- codifies the right of professors to offer views on any policy or action of the university.

New Player in Adaptive Learning

Career Education Corp. gets a jump on adaptive learning, a reminder that for-profits can move fast and go big with emerging technologies.

Union Raises for Adjuncts

As unionization of those off the tenure track spreads, there are substantial gains in pay and benefits.

'Hot for Teacher' Suit Rejected

Federal judge rejects First Amendment challenge from student who was suspended after he wrote about his affections and physical feelings for his instructor.

Embargoes for Dissertations?

American Historical Association wants universities to permit blocking of online access to doctoral students' work for six years, saying such rules will protect new Ph.D.s seeking to publish. Not everyone wants to be protected.

Back to the Future

Washington is gearing up for the next round of fights over for-profit colleges, with student veterans and gainful employment getting top billing.

Changing the Rules

At several campuses, faculty leaders say institutions are unfairly altering tenure criteria as candidates are midway through their probationary periods.