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The Governor's Bad List

Mitch Daniels, while governor of Indiana, tried to ban the teaching of Howard Zinn and sought to cut funds to program led by a professor who was a critic, AP investigation reveals. UPDATE: Daniels responds.

A Tenure Menu for the ABA

Bar association panel is open to keeping requirement that law schools have some kind of job security for faculty members, but it's still unclear how it will do so.

Guerrilla Ambush

We've learned to tune out the constant bombardment of advertisements. Scott McLemee looks at a new analysis of techniques for commanding consumer attention.

Looking the Other Way?

UConn goes public with investigation into child sex abuse allegations against professor -- and some documents indicate that as far back as 2006, some at the university were told of the charges.

J-School Makeovers

Amid newsroom cutbacks and a rapidly changing media landscape, journalism schools are trying to find ways to adapt. USC is crunching a two-year master's into nine months. At Columbia, the concentration requirement will be eliminated.

'College Girl'

In her new memoir, a professor recounts her experience being raped as a college student, her university's seeming indifference and what it took to help her recover.

Protests After the Pepper Spray

Nearly two years after UC Davis drew widespread condemnation for actions against peacefully protesting students, administrators and police are re-earning their trust by involving them in campus security.

Canned for Speaking Out?

Jared Lisonbee lost faculty job soon after questioning naming of new program at Weber State after Mormon leader who has expressed anti-gay views. Many wonder about a connection.