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Persona Grata

An eminent professor of writing offers readers instruction in the secret arts of the persona. Scott McLemee looks behind the mask.

Staying Relevant

At a conference on sustainable scholarship, faculty members, librarians and publishers take turns to explain why their positions won't be rendered obsolete by technology.

A Call for Mandatory Math

An Australian report says the disappearance of prerequisites in science and mathematics fields has many students entering universities unprepared, and urges they be reintroduced.

Newly Tenured at ... American, Bemidji State, Hood, St. Lawrence

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: American University Alida Anderson, education Laura Denardis...

A Faustian Bargain?

William G. Durden considers why adaptive- and competency-based learning are attracting so much attention, and worries about their impact on traditional-age students.

Texting in Class

More than 90 percent of students admit to using their digital devices for non-class activities during class, study finds.

Faster Math Path

Accelerated remediation starts to catch on at California community colleges, but might be slowed down by public university transfer policies.

Death of the Humanities

An experience teaching in Bangladesh -- and the reaction of his American mentors -- leaves Se-Woong Koo wondering what his profession really stands for.