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Business and the Liberal Arts

The best preparation for life and career -- be it in finance, entrepreneurship or something else -- is a liberal arts degree, writes Edgar M. Bronfman.

Rich People's Movements

It's the 100th anniversary of the income tax -- and a new book describes repeated efforts to repeal or blunt it. Scott McLemee finds the story moving.

Not Too Expensive to Fix

A new paper from the Delphi Project argues that some key ways colleges can support adjunct faculty don't cost anything, despite administrators' assertions that they can't afford to improve working conditions.

Easier Said Than Done

A much-hyped faculty-sharing experiment among several small colleges seemed promising when it was announced a few years ago. But sharing isn't as straightforward at it seems.

Americans' Views of Online Courses

Gallup survey finds majority of adults see online courses as equal to or better than classroom-based courses in several key ways.

Adjunct Inequities

A recent debate over overtime pay in California reflects just one of the many policies and practices that keep pay and opportunity low for those off the tenure track, write Jack Longmate and Keith Hoeller.

Ed Dept Cold Cases

The Education Department has revived cases against two universities involving minor violations of student aid rules -- from the mid-1990s. College lobbyists cite them as the epitome of inefficiency.

Differentiation vs. Discrimination

The U.S. Education Department is applying its state authorization regulation differently to nonprofit and for-profit colleges, in ways that some experts believe is unfair and possibly illegal.