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Still in Favor of the Flip

Despite a seemingly critical new study, the debate about flipping the classroom still tends to favor those in support.

Humanities Jobs Decline

MLA's annual jobs report shows dips in hiring for both English and foreign languages.

Between Thought and Expression

Scott McLemee considers the legacy of Lou Reed.

Wanted: Adoring Female Students

Do male professors need and seek out attention from their female students? A popular feminist blogger thinks so, as do many of her Twitter followers.

Professional Development, at Fenway

Wick Sloane teaches community college students to write essays to transfer to universities. To set an example of "show, don't tell," he surveys the scene at a World Series game.

Scorecard for Scorecards

Complete College America talks up peformance-based funding at its annual meeting, releasing a report that rates the 16 states that have tried it so far.

Don't Call It a Course

Freed from the confines of classrooms, lectures and semesters, online education providers are increasingly using the term "learning experience."

Debt-Free Degrees

David Bergeron and Steven Klinsky explain how a new innovation-focused accreditor could ensure the quality of individual courses and drive down the cost of a degree.