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Employed But ...

While plenty of history Ph.D. recipients land jobs on tenure track, study documents long-term adjunct work -- and finds that field's most popular specialty is least likely to lead to tenure-track job.

'I Deserve to Work There'

The recent firing of an adjunct professor of political science from Chaffey College shows just how "at will" part-time faculty members' employment really is.

Union Election, Not NLRB Vote

New York University and UAW agree on plan to let grad students vote on collective bargaining, paving the way for return to unionization of teaching assistants at a private university. Expected legal showdown is averted for now.

By Popular Demand

A classic study of American Populism has reached its second edition -- 50 years after the first one appeared. Scott McLemee gives thanks.

STEM-ming the Tide

A federal study finds that nearly half of college students who pursue science and technology degrees leave the field or drop out -- roughly the same attrition rate as in other fields.

Online Learning and Credential Completion

New study of online learning, finding those who've taken distance courses to be more likely to earn certificates and degrees, is at odds with earlier research focusing on shorter-term outcomes.

Why I'm Not Canceling Class

Email from Berkeley lecturer to his students draws praise for his comments on the value of education -- and some criticism for his refusal to honor a picket line.

Newly Tenured ... at Clarkson, Hofstra, U. of Texas San Antonio

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Clarkson University Luciana Echazu, economics and financial...