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Whole New World

The AAUP updates its standards on academic freedom and electronic communications for the first time in a decade, showing just how much the ed-tech world has changed.

Future-Focused Assessment

Measuring what students have learned and can do is hard enough, but we really should be trying to assess what our institutions have prepared them to learn later, writes Mark Salisbury.

Crisis and Critique

In Anti-Crisis, Janet Roitman challenges one of the inescapable concepts of modern life. Scott McLemee risks an opinion.

Taboo Subject?

A black female professor says she has been repeatedly investigated by her college for talking about race in ways that offended some white students.

The Courage to Be Ignorant

Adam Kotsko considers the advantages of having professors teach in areas other than their expertise.

Star Power

Study suggests that, in science, influence of top departments (while strong) may be shrinking while role of top researchers may be increasing.

How to Say No to Students

McGill professor -- petitioned by students to extend a paper deadline -- makes them laugh while turning them down.

Giving 'Voice to Faculty'

Cathy Trower, closing out 16 years leading a research effort of academic work, shares thoughts on tenure, retirement age, adjunct conditions and more.