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Plague of Viral Memes?

Two new books look at familiar, diverting facets of life online. Scott McLemee tries to garner them some attention.

'Behind the Academic Curtain'

Author of new book offers tips for grad students and job-seekers.

Listening Closely

Eastern Mennonite U. -- in a move that is highly unusual for members of a Christian college group -- will reconsider its ban on employing faculty members in same-sex relationships.

How Best to Assess?

At annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, much discussion – but no consensus – on how student learning outcomes might (or should) fit into a proposed federal ratings system.

Adjunct Connections

Union seeking collective bargaining for those off the tenure track wants to attract student support by focusing on debt.

Time, Space and Learning

Alexandra W. Logue considers how new models of higher education change instruction, the role of the faculty and the measures of success.

Net Zero

New study shows employment of part-time faculty doesn't impact student success positively or negatively at community colleges, while institution size and location do.

Another Win for 'Fair Use'

A federal judge rules Google's massive digitization efforts falls under the "fair use" doctrine, marking another loss for copyright advocates.