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Econ Jobs, Money, Love

Study examines 15 years of data on doctoral students in economics. They earn more if they leave academe and (for men only) if they marry.

Arguments Over Open Access

Supporters of open access and traditional publishing models clash during the American Historical Association's annual meeting.

Badging From Within

A digital badging project at UC Davis is drawing notice, but the innovation looks more like competency-based education than a form of alternative credentials.

Should Panels Be Balanced?

Pro-Israel groups question why speakers at an MLA session on the Israel boycott all appear to favor it. Some of those speakers say there is nothing wrong with organizing a session that way.

Boycott Reflections

Emily Budick, an American studies professor in Israel, considers the recent boycott vote in light of the discipline's history.

Gen Ed Worries

At gathering of historians, professors like the idea of talking about their discipline's role in the curriculum, but fear too much regulation.

A Tipping Point?

Omar Barghouti explains why support for the academic boycott of Israel is increasing -- and why he thinks this is a good thing.

Not Much Notice

Is it O.K. for a search committee to tell job candidates on January 3 that they do or do not have interviews at a disciplinary meeting that starts January 9?