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Fireable Tweets

Months after a professor's comments on Twitter set off a controversy, Kansas Board of Regents adopts policy on when professors and other employees can be fired for "improper use of social media."

Class Warfare in Academe

Peter D.G. Brown considers the real winners and real fatalities of the academic workforce.

Scaling Back in San Jose

University will offer a new round of the courses it created with Udacity -- but this time as regular college classes.

The Great Bookie

Mortimer Adler built a publishing empire around the Great Books of the Western World. Scott McLemee interviews an author who has mapped its terrain.

Policy Denied

Santa Clara U.'s Faculty Senate has deemed the administration's new exclusion of elective abortions from insurance coverage "invalid," and wants the Board of Trustees to take up the matter.

Another Push for Embargoes

Second history organization comes out against requirement that all dissertations be made available online.

Backing the Israel Boycott

American Studies Association members vote by a two-to-one margin to endorse the boycott of Israeli universities.

Caught in the Crossfire

AAUP finds that professor was denied tenure for his role in a conflict between linguistics and TESL faculty, which helped prompt a faculty vote of no confidence in Northeastern Illinois U.'s president and provost.