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Losing Tenure for Being Difficult?

Academic freedom watchdogs paid little attention to Louis Wozniak's case at U. of Illinois because it appeared he had due process. But was he treated fairly?

In Search of Chrononauts

A scientist and his students comb the digital archive for traces of time travelers among us. Scott McLemee goes back to the future.

The Myth of Institutional Boycotts

David Hirsh writes that it's time to admit that the Israel boycott targets individuals, that it does so based on politics, and that it will primarily hit Jewish scholars in Israel.

Comprehensive on Completion

Maryland goes big with a college completion law, and some community college leaders say they like its comprehensiveness.

Warning on Academic Extremism

Australia's education minister warns that professors' political stances -- on the Israeli boycott, for example -- are "needless controversies" that can hurt their universities' reputations.

The Boycott Isn't Leftist

Scholars on the left who back the boycott of Israeli universities are abandoning their own intellectual traditions, writes Chad Alan Goldberg.

A Little Discomfort

When administrators worry about anything that could distress students, faculty members are at risk, writes Gaye Tuchman. Two recent controversies illustrate the problem.

Dr. Uncle Sam

Panelists at meeting of historians challenge notion that only careers in academe are fulfilling, citing benefits of working for the federal government.