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Protecting Faculty Records

Following recent open records requests targeting controversial professors at other institutions, UCLA releases statement to protect the privacy of scholarly communications.

The Third Rail

Speakers at MLA meeting endorse many reforms of graduate education, but object to the idea that Ph.D. programs should shrink.

Taking Israel to Task

MLA Delegate Assembly narrowly approves controversial measure criticizing Israeli decisions on travel of scholars to the country and the West Bank. Should the meeting have been chaired by someone who backs boycott of Israel?

Tech Alone Won't Cut It

Electronic advising systems have plenty of potential, writes Melinda Mechur Karp. But they will fall short without more attention to the messy, human side educational technology.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

The Two Session Solution

At separate events at separate hotels, MLA panelists discuss the Israel boycott movement and academic freedom. Only those who attended both sessions heard divergent views.

Deviance Course Lives On

Patti Adler will stay on at U. of Colorado, but blasts the way the university questioned a class lesson on prostitutes.

Kindness Is Possible

There are lots of stories about jerks in academe. A new blog isn't about them.

New Approach to Transfer

A multistate transfer agreement is based on proficiency rather than course credits, which might open the door further for models that do not rely on seat time.