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Time for a Union?

Faculty at the U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are divided over a unionization drive, and watching stalled negotiations at university's Chicago campus.

Taking the Direct Path

Competency-based education is gaining steam, but questions remain about which forms the U.S. Department of Education will back.

Competency vs. Open-Ended Inquiry

Competency-based education and more "personalized" degree programs offer false promise, writes Amy E. Slaton, and could actually worsen inequality in higher education.

How a Talk Got Aborted

Brown U. releases report on the disrupted appearance by Ray Kelly, detailing numerous unsuccessful efforts to win over protesters.

When a Handshake May Not Be Enough

Contemplating a college's decision to replace its humanities requirement with a course based on a popular self-help book, Carolyn Foster Segal suggests some other readings it might consider.

Apology From Obama

President sends handwritten note affirming his respect for art history, and expressing regret over a recent quip about the discipline.

Tough Love for Accreditation

The accreditation process needs to change, an expert writes in a new book, but accreditors are making more progress than their critics charge.

Nought Else Being Equal

The pundits have chewed over the question of inequality. Sociologists have different perspectives. Scott McLemee looks at an agenda-setting new book.