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Digital Feedback

As colleges turn to vendors for help on retention services, one company offers a way to give positive feedback to students.

OCR in the Hot Seat

A heated Congressional exchange raises the question: does the U.S. government need more power to hold colleges accountable for handling sexual assault cases, or has it already overstepped its authority?

Focusing on the Grad Student

New handbook on advising sheds light on the more personal, human aspects of the process.

When Digital Projects End

How can institutions best preserve digital research resources? A report years in the making says it depends on the institution.

Luxury... and Your Next Book

Mark Edington considers the real crisis in academic publishing.

Not Interested in Koch Money

Brooklyn College professor accuses administrators, allegedly afraid of controversy involving the foundation of the brothers who bankroll many conservative politicians, of passing on a chance at millions.

Corinthian's Phasing-Out

Corinthian Colleges and the Education Department strike a deal to keep the for-profit chain afloat long enough to sell or "teach out" its 107 campuses.

Top Students Shun Teaching

Teacher training programs in Australia are attracting fewer and fewer of the brightest students entering the country's universities.