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Don’t Capitulate. Advocate.

The MLA's proposed reforms for graduate education need to be challenged, write 10 humanities scholars.

Mentor or Risk Rejection

Some professors applying for NSF grants notice their proposals are increasingly evaluated in part on data-driven evidence of the way they work with students. Not everybody likes the trend.

Holding Off on Gay Faculty

Pressure grows at Mennonite institutions to end ban on hiring non-straight professors. Eastern Mennonite U., which many hoped was about to shift, declines to do so. But it leaves in place suspension of policy.

A Question for Every Answer

David N. DeVries considers what it means to live a life grounded in the liberal arts.

More 'Intentionality' Needed

Adjuncts became the majority teaching force haphazardly over many decades, participants at TIAA-CREF symposium say. Now it's time to focus on creating better ways to employ the non-tenured.

A Win for Free Speech

U.S. Supreme Court rules unanimously that a community college employee had First Amendment protection when he testified under oath about an Alabama legislator's no-show job.

A College Loses Accreditation

Southern accreditor strips its approval from Georgia's Brewton-Parker College, and places four others -- Louisiana, Newberry and Paine Colleges and South Carolina State -- on probation.

Complex Problem, Complex Solution

Colorado's fix for remedial education is multipronged rather than heavy-handed, and it seems to be working.