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‘Is Our System of Free Speech Failing Us?’

In a Q&A with Inside Higher Ed, Jameel Jaffer, executive director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, discusses the impact of the pro-Palestinian protest movement on campus speech.

A silver-toned photo of a gleaming, modern empty science laboratory.

The Uncertain Future of Private Research Universities

The growing share of research costs covered by institutions risks making the private research university business model unsustainable, Robert A. Brown writes.

University of California Sues Local UAW Over Campus Strikes

The University of California is suing United Auto Workers Local 4811, the union that represents thousands of employees who have...
A screenshot of the Columbia Law Review’s website as of Wednesday evening.

‘Unprecedented Steps’: Board Pulls Plug on Columbia Law Review Website

After student editors published a submitted article Monday accusing Israel of genocide, the journal’s Board of Directors took the whole site down. One editor describes how it happened.

Harvard’s Largest Division Drops DEI Hiring Statements

Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), which houses 40 academic departments and more than 30 centers, is dropping...
A photo illustration combining a photo of the University of Kentucky’s campus on the left with a photo of university President Eli Capilouto on the right.

Faculty Power on the Line in Kentucky

University of Kentucky leaders are on the verge of replacing a strong University Senate with a purely advisory body. Faculty members are asking a simple question: Why? 

A graphic of a winding road made of stacks of U.S. currency.

‘Manufacturing Backlash’

To understand the right-wing legislative attacks on higher education, follow the money, Isaac Kamola writes.

A group of students and a professor meet in a research laboratory. All are wearing lab coats.

Program Innovations: Promoting Success in Student Research

To enhance the student experience and increase access to experiential learning, colleges and universities have gotten creative with undergraduate research experiences.