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Pro-Palestinian protestors camp on the lawn outside Columbia University’s stately Butler Library this spring. Tents, sign and a Palestinian flag are all prominent in the photo.

On Student Protests and Professors’ Intergenerational Responsibilities

Sharon Stein asks what professors owe young people in times of social and ecological breakdown.

A photo illustration containing some recommendations from a draft report by a North Dakota State Board of Higher Education committee.

Tenure Under Fire—Again—in North Dakota

Republican lawmakers and a university president pushed a bill last year that would diminish faculty job protections at two institutions. It failed by a hair, but the State Board of Higher Education has taken up the mantle.

San José State Suspends SJP Faculty Adviser

San José State University has suspended a Justice Studies professor who’s also faculty adviser for the campus chapter of Students...
The Louisiana statehouse, an elderly couple, a piggy bank and a clock

New Retirement Benefits a ‘Massive Win’ for Employees

Louisiana lawmakers passed a bill to give faculty and staff more time to choose a retirement plan. They hope it will help keep “the best and brightest” in state.

UCLA, Davis Join Strike Supporting Pro-Palestinian Protesters

Academic employees at two more University of California campuses have joined the University of California, Santa Cruz in the strike...

American Sociological Assoc. Members Call for Gaza Ceasefire

Members of the American Sociological Association (ASA) have passed a resolution calling “for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza”...
A photo illustration comparing North Carolina’s proposed REACH Act with the University of North Carolina System’s new policy.

Lawmakers Sought to Mandate Class on Founding Documents. What Were Professors to Do?

Conservative groups are pushing civics requirements in higher education, not just K-12. In North Carolina, undergraduates now must study the founding documents. Will other states follow?

Editors of ‘Philosophy & Public Affairs’ Journal Resign En Masse

Thirty-eight editors of Philosophy & Public Affairs, a Wiley-owned journal, announced their resignations en masse Wednesday, including the entire editorial...